Daycare in Vága municipality

There are two daycares located in Vága municipality serving children from as early as 8-9 months to seven years old, please see below for an overview and contact information. 

You will find all daycares provide an excellent standard of service with each daycare having its own unique character. If your child attends a daycare, you are required to pay per child all months regardless of the child not attending for periods of time. For registration and fees, see here.

If you move to Vága municipality with your child, you will need to fill out a registration form to register for daycare. We will do our best to provide you with daycare in your local area. Please note that there is no guarantee that you will get a place in the closes daycare centre.


Miðgarður in Miðvágur

Sóljugarður in Sandavágur

After-school program/daycare:

Smílikullan in Miðvágur