Góðu borgarar í Vága kommunu - FO og UK


Nú landsstýrið hevur avgjørt at seta í verk tiltøk til tess at fyribyrgja og minka um vandan fyri corona smittu, vil eg við hesum kunna um, at Vága kommuna ger alt fyri at tryggja, at kommunan framhaldandi kann rekast trygt og stabilt, og at alneyðugar tænastur og tilbúgvingar virka, sum tær skulu.

Í sambandi við, at fyribyrgjandi tiltøk verða sett í verk, bæði innan skúlaverkið og dagstovnaøkið, hava vit sent ymisk kunnandi tilfar og áheitanir út, um at taka atlit til og hugsa um tey veiku og okkara eldru borgarar.

Umframt hetta, hava vit eisini, millum starvsfólkabólkar í kommununi, gjørt uppbýtingar á teimum ymisku arbeiðsøkjunum, soleiðis at kommunan kann rekast trygt, so leingi tiltøkini standa við.

Arbeiða í bólkum og í vaktum

Á havna- og umsjónardeildini, í húsavarðatoyminum og í reingerðartoyminum, hava vit gjørt bólkar, ið skiftast at verða til arbeiðis, hetta fyri at minka um smittuváðan og fyribyrgja, at heilar funktiónir mugu niðurleggjast vegna sóttarhald. Soleiðis tryggja vit, at mest grundleggjandi kommunalu uppgávurnar so sum at tryggja vatnveiting, kloakkviðurskifti, renovatión v.m. framhaldandi verða loystar.

Umhvørvisplássið hevur opið sum vanligt.


Tilbúgvingarnevndin hevur, í samráð við sløkkiliðið, tikið neyðug stig til at tryggja, at vanlukkutilbúgvingin í Vága kommunu virkar, sum hon skal.

Heimatænastan í Vágum

Heimatænastan hevur tikið neyðug atlit, og kunning er send út til borgarar um, hvørji atlit eiga at verða tikin, í sambandi við vitjan á Sýnini og annars í mun til okkara eldru borgarar.


Dagstovnar, frítíðarskúlin og ungdómshúsið er stongd, so leingi tiltøkini standa við. Tó er eitt bráfeingis ansingartilboð skipa til børn hjá foreldrum, sum arbeiða í kritiskum samfelagsfunktiónum innan heilsuverk, almannaverk, eldrarøkt ella tilbúgving, og sum ikki hava aðrar møguleikar fyri at fáa síni børn ansað, meðan tey eru til arbeiðis.

Arbeiða heimanífrá ella eru heima (tó tøk at møta til arbeiðis, um tað ber til)

Øll starvsfólk, sum ikki noyðast at vera á arbeiðsplássinum, hava fingið boð um at vera heima, og í tann mun tað ber til, arbeiða heimanífrá.

Kommunuskrivstovan er stongd, men telefonin hjá kommunuskrivstovuni svarar í vanligari arbeiðstíð. Eisini ber til at samskifta við kommunuskrivstovuna við telduposti, sum vanligt.

Vit fylgja allatíðina við gongdini, og eftirmeta støðuna regluliga. Dagførd kunning er at finna á heimnasíðu www.vaga.fo.

Eg vil takka øllum borgarum og starvsfólkum fyri at taka stóra ábyrgd í verandi støðu, og ikki minst fyri fyrimyndarligt samstarv.


Eyðdis Hartmann Niclasen


Dear citizens of Vága municipality

Now that the government has decided to put into action measures for the prevention and minimizing of the spread of the coronavirus, I would like to assure everyone that Vága’s office is doing everything possible to ensure the continued daily operations of the district in a security and stable manner, and that all major services and safety measures are working as intended.

 In conjunction with the preventative measures put into place at schools and day-care centres, we have published information material and guidelines on how to best tend to those citizens most exposed and the elderly.

In addition to this, we have also split the municipality’s work force across the various departments so that the office may be managed safely for the duration of the measures.

Working in groups and shifts

In both the harbour and supervisory departments, as well as among all caretaking and cleaning contractors, we have established rotating workforce teams to mitigate the risk of contamination and to prevent that entire functions have to be shut down due to suspected infection. Thusly we ensure that the most basic of municipal services such as water supply, drainage conditions, renovations and more will go on as normal.

The disposal centre is open as per usual.

Emergency services

The committee on safety measures has in conjunction with the fire-fighting brigade taken the necessary steps to ensure that all emergency services in Vága municipality work as intended.

Elder care in Vágum

The nursing home has taken every preventative measure. Information has also been sent to citizens about what precautions should be taken with regards to visiting á Sýnini and for our elderly citizens more generally.

Day-care centres

Day-care centres, the afterschool centre and the youth centre are out of service for the duration of the security measures. A temporary caretaking offer has been established, however, for children to those parents employed in critical civic functions without any other option for having their children looked after. These include health services, social agencies, elder care and emergency services.

Working from home

All employees without pressing need to attend at their workplace have been urged to stay at home, and to work from home however possible.

The municipal office is closed, but the phone still answers within normal working hours. It is also possible to write to the office via email, just as normal.

We are monitoring the situation closely and making continual evaluations. Up-to-date information can be found on our homepage: www.vaga.fo

I would like to thank all of Vága’s citizens and employees for shouldering the enormous responsibility required of these circumstances, and especially for their exemplary cooperation.

Best regards,

Eyðdis Hartmann Niclasen
